Besa Whole Month of April OJT

Good day!, the seventh day of my job training.April 04,2022, woke up early on the morning at 6:00 am o'clock to prepare beeakfast and my pack lunch after prapering foods I also prepare my yhings and to went at NIPSC-Lc from my home far away arriving to school, before I enter inside the campus our security checked my temperature and I signed in on the logbook to inside. Then I go to the of my supervisor Ma'am April Cacho for started my duty as her tranee, when i come to her office I go went to library office to borrow sweeper and dust pan to sir Rolly Ayore then I back to my supervisor office to started sweeped the inside floor of the office, after sweeping i give back to Sir Rolly the sweeper and to say thank you on his kindness. A minute ago Ma'am Cacho came up to her office, then she ask me to the refrigerator and arrange it the all foods and snacks what inside and all bottle of minerals. Then with my teammates Roselyn and Eugelyn, we served and delivered the ice cream and 'alopi' to the faculties and to break after to eat our lunch. 1:00 pm o'clock after break time  helping with Roselyn and Eugelyn to paste the labelled paper that student, peer, self, supervisor and commitment to Quality Commitment Evaluation (QCE) documents of the faculties, but I sadly said to we not finish to paste it all because of we early out the campus to go home.

April 05, 2022. Tomorrow the eight day of my duty. As my faily routine prepared myself and necesary to went at school, after 10 minutes of arriving, the security guard ask me to i have the vaccine card and alcohol if I dont have it, I cant enter inside the campus. So because I have it, the gave me  rights to come in and to went the office of supervisor. Again I clean and arrange the all papers in her table of my supervisor to the proper area. Then we continue what we do yesterday to the QCE documents of the faculties, I sadly said again that I dont to work better my body that have allergy(gin- alaw). After I decided to go home to change my shirt but my friend Nenia Rosa that she have extra shirt and she told me to no need to no home because it so far from to school and because rain, she has concerned what I felt on my body thats she said "herrle my t-shirt ware this and I buy a medicine you". I am thankful of her beacause without her I dont know how I relieved my allergy. After, we back at the office with comfortable feelings because my passed away after to take a medicine and change the shirt. Then Ma'am asked to xerox in two copies the all receipts that I pastes last month of march 2022. Then when I finish it to xerox the receipts, I sweeped the inside and outside then I put trashed in the trash area, the I mop the floor inside the office of my supervisor. After I clean, I signed out at 3:30 pm to go home.
On April 11 and 12, 2022 i cannot went to school because of Bagyong Agaton that affects here in Northern Iloilo and Ma'am Cacho also chat me stay at home while the weather is not okay.

Next week after... April 18, 2022., To start my daily routine, I woke at 6:30 am in the morning to prepared my food and things and went to NIPSC-lc. When i came at the office sweeped the floor and mop the sliding door. After I print the citizen charter from one to two hundred pages. When I finish to print, I cut the cover of citizen charter. Then i sweeped the inside of office before I signed out and to go home.

Tomorrow April 19, 2022 I went to school at 7:30 am then i start my day to clean the office and after that i bind the 200 pages of citizen charter that i printed yesterday and then after my supervisor ask me to paste the labelled summary into QCE documents of the all faculties.

Next  week after as my 11th day of my training April 25, 2022 with my teammates  Roselyn and Eugelyn we print the Examanation papers of Sir Jose Cichany Cacho in GE 6a then after we stapler it. Then after we go home early.

April 26, 2022 again we clean the office first and print again the all test papers of Sir Jose Chichany Cacho. After printing we help to brought the all dishes of caterer to the conference room. After that we clean the office and we go home early.